Breast Augmentation Surgery is one of the most gratifying procedures in plastic surgery when performed by skilled hands. Dr. Gürcan Aslan typically uses silicone breast implants in breast augmentation surgery, applying them mostly in the dual-plane technique, with most of the implant positioned under the muscle and a portion under the soft tissue. The implants used in breast augmentation are generally either teardrop-shaped or round. The choice of the implant shape should always be made in consultation with your doctor.
What is breast augmentation surgery? Breast Augmentation Surgery involves placing silicone breast implants either under the breast tissue (submammary) or beneath the chest muscle (subpectoral). Silicone, by its nature, is one of the most biocompatible substances with the body. With breast augmentation surgery, breast size, shape, and symmetry are improved to an ideal state.
How is the incision made in breast augmentation surgery? The incision (in the form of a cut) in breast augmentation surgery can be made in various areas. These areas include: 1- Under the breast fold 2- Around the brown area surrounding the nipple (areola) 3- Under the armpit (axillary)
What are the options for Breast Implant size? The final size of the breast implant in breast augmentation surgery should be decided jointly by the plastic surgeon and the patient. The size of the breast implant should be determined considering factors such as the patient's chest structure and the size of the existing breast. Examples of breast implant samples to be placed in a bra can give the patient an idea of the postoperative breast size.
How long does breast augmentation surgery take? Aesthetic breast augmentation surgery takes approximately 1 hour.
Does breast augmentation surgery leave scars? Are the remaining scars disturbing? After breast augmentation surgery, the scars will be visible and pink. After a few months, these scars usually take on the color of the skin and become less noticeable. Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons make incisions in places that will hide the visible scar (e.g., under the breast, in the armpit, around the nipple).
What are the side effects of breast augmentation surgery? Swelling (edema) and temporary pain in the breasts may occur.
When can I return to work? Usually, individuals can begin their daily activities 3-5 days after breast augmentation surgery. Strenuous activities may be challenging for the person for about 2-3 weeks.
What is Capsular Contracture? Although it is not common, it is a condition that can occur after breast augmentation surgery. It occurs when the silicone breast implant placed is tightly encased by scar tissue by the body. It is less common with breast implants placed under the muscle. In very rare cases, the breast implant may need to be replaced.
Does breast implantation cause breast cancer? Studies have not found any evidence in this direction, and there is no difference in the likelihood of breast cancer between patients who have undergone breast augmentation surgery with breast implants and the normal female population.