What is Fat Grafting (Fat Injection)?
Fat grafting involves using a person's own fat tissue for various cosmetic purposes. Typically, fat is harvested from areas like the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks and then injected into areas that require volume enhancement, such as the face. When used as a facial filler, it can help address wrinkled areas, fill in facial lines, and add volume to the lips. It is also used in various body areas for volume augmentation, like buttock augmentation.

How Long Does Fat Grafting Take?
Fat grafting typically takes approximately 1-3 hours, depending on the specific areas being treated and the amount of fat to be harvested and injected.

What Are the Side Effects of Fat Grafting (Fat Injection)?
Common side effects of fat grafting may include swelling, asymmetry, and bruising. In rare cases, infection can occur.

When Can I Return to Work After Fat Grafting (Fat Injection)?
The time it takes to return to normal activities after fat grafting can vary depending on the treated area, but in many cases, patients can resume regular activities within a few days.


How Long Does Fat Grafting Last?
The results of fat grafting are generally long-lasting, but it's important to note that some of the transferred fat may be reabsorbed by the body over time. Maintenance procedures may be necessary to retain the desired volume.

Microfat Grafting
Microfat grafting involves taking fat tissue from areas with excess fat, processing it, and then injecting it into areas that need enhancement.

■ Using a cannula or a small tube, fat tissue is harvested and then processed. Subsequently, the fat is injected into the areas where it's needed using a small needle.

■ This procedure is often used for facial aesthetic enhancements, as well as lip and chin augmentation, hand and buttock rejuvenation, breast augmentation, and even addressing scars caused by trauma and aging or correcting skin depressions.

■ Because the patient's natural body fat is used, it's considered a natural method.

■ The recovery period is generally shorter compared to other aesthetic surgical procedures like implants.

■ These procedures are typically performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

■ The duration of the procedure depends on which part of the body requires augmentation. Some procedures, like breast and buttock augmentation, can take 2-4 hours.

■ Swelling and bruising may occur occasionally, and patients are usually advised to avoid strenuous activities for a few days.