Eyelid aesthetic surgery addresses sagging of the upper eyelids and puffiness of the lower eyelids, providing a more youthful appearance to the eyes and their surroundings. Additionally, it corrects the decreased field of vision due to sagging of the upper eyelid.

How long does eyelid aesthetic surgery take?
If both upper and lower eyelids are operated on, it takes 1-3 hours.

What is done in eyelid aesthetic surgery?
Sagging upper eyelids are corrected by making an incision just above the eyelid, removing excess skin and fat. For lower eyelid surgery, the incision is made just below the lower eyelashes, concealed.

What are the side effects of Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery?
After Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery, temporary pain, swelling, and bruising may occur. Asymmetry, irregularities, color changes, and rarely, infection may occur in the areas where liposuction is performed.

What are the side effects?
After eyelid aesthetic surgery, temporary tightness, swelling, bruising, asymmetry, burning, itching, and rarely, infection may occur in the eyelids. Pain is generally easily controlled with pain relievers. Excessive tearing and light sensitivity may persist for the first few weeks.


Will there be scars or bruising? If so, will they be permanent?
After eyelid aesthetic surgery, some bruising may occur. Bruising usually disappears within the first week. Scar tissue remains pink for a few months and then fades, becoming almost invisible after six months.

Am I an ideal candidate for eyelid aesthetic surgery (Blepharoplasty)?
If you have the following issues, eyelid aesthetic surgery (Blepharoplasty) will be beneficial:

• Sagging skin around the eyes and eyelids

• Formation of bags under the eyes

• Impaired field of vision due to drooping upper eyelids

Does eyelid aesthetic surgery (Blepharoplasty) correct crow's feet?
The effect of eyelid aesthetic surgery (Blepharoplasty) on crow's feet is limited. Botox is an ideal but temporary solution for crow's feet.

Why do I have dark circles under my eyes? Can eyelid aesthetic surgery reduce them?
Dark circles are not primarily caused by excess eyelid skin, so blepharoplasty does not solve this problem. Scientific publications suggest that the cause of dark circles under the eyes may be related to sleep deprivation, genetics, or the superficial placement of blood vessels.