What is breast reduction surgery?
Breast reduction surgery is an aesthetic surgical procedure performed to reduce the size of the patient's breasts. In this procedure, excess breast tissue and fat tissue are removed along with the skin area. The nipple is repositioned higher to create a more aesthetic appearance. As a result, sagging breasts due to their size are reduced and lifted. Breast reduction surgery is not a simple procedure, but when performed by a qualified aesthetic plastic surgeon, it is generally safe. However, as with any surgical procedure, there is a possibility of complications such as bleeding, infection, or anesthesia reaction.

Am I a suitable candidate for breast reduction surgery?
Ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery are individuals who experience both physical problems and emotional ups and downs due to excessively large and heavy breasts. Problems that can arise due to large breasts include:
• Neck, shoulder, and/or back pain
• Chronic headaches
• Deformities in the back and neck
• Marks left due to bra straps cutting into the shoulders
• Breathing problems
• Skin irritation and recurring wounds and infections
If you are uncomfortable due to the reasons mentioned above, you are an ideal candidate for breast reduction surgery.

How long does breast reduction surgery take?
It is generally an aesthetic surgical procedure that takes between 2-4 hours. A small tube (drain) may be placed in each breast in the first few days to drain blood and fluids.

What are the side effects of breast reduction surgery?
Possible side effects include bleeding, asymmetry, loss of sensation in the breast, and infection. In some patients, small wounds may develop around the incisions made around the breast after breast reduction surgery. These can usually be treated with antibiotic creams. The settling of the new shape of the breasts after breast reduction surgery may take up to 6 months, but swelling and bruising will disappear within the first few weeks.

What type of scars (scar) should I expect?
After breast reduction surgery, a generally inverted T-shaped scar remains. These scars usually fade and become less noticeable over time. The width and visibility of the scar are entirely related to the patient's wound healing. Smokers may experience delayed wound healing.

What are the long-term results of breast reduction surgery?
The results of breast reduction surgery are permanent, but gravity, pregnancy, and weight loss can adversely affect surgical outcomes.

Does breast reduction surgery affect pregnancy or breastfeeding negatively?
Breast reduction surgery does not affect pregnancy, but pregnancy can adversely affect the results obtained from breast reduction surgery (re-sagging, growth, etc.). Patients who have had breast reduction surgery can breastfeed depending on the technique used.