Liposuction has become the world's most popular cosmetic surgery procedure. This surgical technique aims to regulate body proportions by removing excess fat accumulation between the skin and muscles. Liposuction is also known as lipolysis, lipoplasty, fat suction, and lipectomy. These are medical terms used for the same surgical procedure that removes fat cells between the skin and muscles using a tool called a cannula. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure preferred by millions of people to enhance body contours and improve physical appearance.

This treatment is an effective way to get rid of stubborn fat. The fat cells that are removed are permanently eliminated from the body. However, if the patient insists on not maintaining their weight with a proper diet and exercise and gains excessive weight, the remaining neighboring fat cells can cause irregularities.

What is Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Surgery?
Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure designed to tighten the abdominal wall muscles, remove excess skin and fat to flatten the abdomen. Liposuction can sometimes be added to aesthetic tummy tuck surgery.

How long does Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery take?
The duration of Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery depends on the area being treated and can take approximately 1-2 hours or longer.

What are the side effects of Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery?
After Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery, you may experience temporary pain, swelling, and bruising. Asymmetry, irregularities, and color changes can rarely occur in the areas where liposuction is performed, along with the possibility of infection.

When can I return to work after Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery?
After Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery, individuals can typically return to work within 1-2 weeks. For more strenuous activities, it may take 2 to 4 weeks or longer.


What is done in Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery?
Small incisions, no more than half a centimeter, are made around the area where liposuction will be performed. Through these incisions, a hollow tube is inserted, and saline solutions containing various substances are delivered to the area. Subsequently, using suction, the saline solution and fat cells are removed from the body.

Which areas can Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery be applied to?
• Cheeks

• Chin

• Neck

• Upper arms

• Breasts

• Abdomen

• Hips

• Around the knees

• Inner thighs

Will I gain weight again after Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery? 
Usually, individuals do not gain weight in the areas where liposuction was performed after Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery. However, fat can accumulate in other areas when you gain weight, which can lead to an uneven body shape. Therefore, it is necessary to continue with diet and exercise after liposuction.

Does cellulite disappear after Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery?
Cellulite is a condition where a person's connective tissue beneath the skin pulls the skin, while fat groups in between bulge out, creating a dimpled appearance. It is generally seen in women. While Liposuction with Vacuum Fat Extraction Surgery can reduce the appearance of cellulite, completely eliminating it is not always possible.

Body Areas Treatable with Liposuction
• Neck and under the chin

• Arms

• Abdomen

• Hips

• Thighs

• Inner and outer thighs (saddlebags)

• Knees

• Legs

• Sides of the trunk

• Male breast enlargement (gynecomastia)

Liposuction is neither a weight loss method nor a cure for obesity. It is used to correct areas where fat accumulates disproportionately in patients who are genetically predisposed and coded not to respond to diet or exercise. The amount of fat removed is directly related to the risk. Typically, fat accumulations are genetically determined and encoded not to respond to diet or exercise. This procedure can be the only way to eliminate them. After Liposuction, you may experience mild or moderate pain, swelling, bruising, and minor blood loss. However, the post-liposuction side effects are minimal. After the surgery, patients are required to wear a compression garment for a few weeks. Patients should have realistic expectations about the results of liposuction.

The Knowns and Unknowns of Liposuction
Depending on the number of treated areas, returning to normal activity can take from a few days to a few weeks after liposuction. A noticeable difference in the patient's body measurements can usually be seen within the day or week of the surgery. To see the final results, you may need to wait for 1-6 months.

Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or for people who want to use liposuction solely for weight loss.

Any of the following conditions or combinations may indicate that you are a good candidate for this surgery:

• Disproportionate fat accumulation areas in your body that cannot be eliminated with other methods like diet and exercise

• Presence of localized fat with good, non-sagging skin in these areas. Additional procedures may be required for excessively loose skin.

This surgery is equally effective for both men and women. The results of this surgery are generally long-lasting, but they can be influenced by weight gain, aging, pregnancy, and lifestyle factors.